Medical complications in pregnancy

What does the term ‘ Medical complications in pregnancy ’ mean?

Medical complications in pregnancy relate to health problems associated with the pregnant woman and/or the foetus. They occur during pregnancy or can be pre-existing and can complicate the pregnancy.

Pregnant woman with pre-existing health problems need to have a treatment plan that starts before conception, and continues throughout pregnancy and postpartum.Previously prescribed medical treatments will need to be reviewed and modified, or even withheld, depending on the trimester. Like medications that may need modification include those for thyroid disease , arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus autoimmune disease or, and mental health or psychiatric problems.New therapeutic interventions need to be considered as well in the context of prevention or treatment of vitamin deficiencies or coagulation abnormalities.

Medical complications in pregnancy also include special obstetric complications such as placental abruption and bleeding, or pre-eclampsia and hyperemesis gravidarum (severe nausea and vomiting).



What are the medical complications that can occur in pregnancy?

Common medical complications in pregnancy are:

  • Diabetes mellitus (pre-existing, or occurring during pregnancy)
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Infections
  • Excessive - persistent vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Abdominal pain
  • Swelling
  • Psychological disorders
  • Elevated liver enzymes, anaemia and other abnormal laboratory findings
  • Special syndromes such as hyperemesis, pre-eclampsia, HELLP, acute fatty liver, pulmonary embolism
  • Problems with embryo/foetal (underdevelopment or, on the contrary, increased size)

In all events, collaborating with the gynaecologist-midwife as part of a scientific team is essential to prevent and treat pregnancy problems and manage difficult conditions, such as είναι pre-eclampsia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and infections. The importance of prevention is particularly important in cases of high-risk pregnancies, such as multiple pregnancies, and in older women with pre-existing health problems, , or increased body weight..

The good news

Nowadays, evidenced-based practice and modern technology are available to optimally manage "difficult" pregnancies, i.e. high-risk pregnancies, as well as complications that may occur during pregnancy.

The optimal outcome is obtained by implementing a planwhich starts before pregnancy and continueseven after childbirth.Doing special tests, suitably preparing any woman who wishes to become pregnant, ensuring regular monitoring and preventative treatment during pregnancy, all significantly increase the likelihood of normal and uncomplicated pregnancy, both for the woman and the foetus, even in cases of high-risk pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes treated

Childbirth and beyond

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