Childbirth and beyond

Does gestational diabetes affect childbirth?

  • If blood sugar levels are well controlled during pregnancy and the foetus is of normal size, the chances of having a problem during childbirth are low. In any case, a decision on the necessity of caesarean section is taken on a case-by-case basis.
  • Blood sugar levels are regularly checked during childbirth or caesarean section. If they are found to be increased, insulin is administered. This is necessary to avoid problems with the baby during childbirth and the first hours and days after childbirth.
  • Most women with gestational diabetes, who maintain good blood sugar control through diet and exercise, or small doses of insulin, will have good blood sugar control during childbirth without needing insulin.

Does the diabetes remain after pregnancy?

  • Usually not. However, monitoring is needed because women with gestational diabetes have an increased chance of developing "typical" diabetes mellitus later in their lives. This is primarily done by measuring fasting blood sugar levels and checking "glucose tolerance" in the first weeks after childbirth. Depending on the ovitial reresults the frequencyof f ollow -ups canbe determined..
  • Proper nutrition, exercise, weight control and avoiding smoking continue to be the best way to prevent diabetes mellitus and help the mother/woman to be in good shape. Inad, dition , they reduce the risk dibetes in anysub sequent pregnancy..

Testing pregnant women for gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes treated

Hypertension - Pre-eclampsia - Eclampsia
